Page 33 - Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine Fall 2020 - Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
P. 33

NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING  His research seeks to streamline care   China at an affiliated institution as   Bloomberg News. “I, like everyone else,   Working Remotely  41 countries that Jhpiego serves—or to   Stender loves the job, and has learned   NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING
 statewide on proper use of PPE,
 established a mobile COVID-19
 well as country-level health system
 want to get back to normal, and so I
                                                                                 to roll with it. The current road trip
                                                                                 began as a journey to a July memorial
 responses to tuberculosis and HIV
 raised my hand to participate. As a
 testing site in a parking lot behind
 researcher, it is my ethical obligation
                                                                                 service at Lake Tahoe in Nevada for
 the Johns Hopkins School of
              Stacie Stender, ’99, ’01, facilitates response for Jhpiego
 to also participate if I’m enrolling
                                                                                 her brother, who died in January.
 Nursing, and recently announced his
 In other words, this isn’t Farley’s first
                                                                                 Afterward, Stender and her husband
 commitment to personally take part
 patients in trials.”
 boxing match with an epidemic, and
 in vaccine trials.
                                                                                 decided, “Let’s just keep going.”
              Stacie Stender, a senior technical
                                                systems and capacity in several of the
                                                                                 Besides, “home” is a different concept
              advisor with Jhpiego, was somewhere
                                                                                 these days. Even while getting back in
              on the West Coast, having stopped for
 approaches that optimize navigation,
                                                                                 roads, Stender has left her heart in
 linkage, engagement, and retention
              only a moment as she, her husband,
                                                sub-Saharan Africa, India, and Haiti,
              and a new pup rode out the COVID-19
                                                focused on revitalization of primary
                                                                                 South Africa, where she had lived since
 in care for individuals with infectious
 of stress, and that feeling of
                                                                                 2004. She returned to the U.S. in March,
                                                care and ensuring equitable access to
 diseases, including studies designed   “It was constant maneuvering and a lot  pandemic in an Airstream Basecamp   travel. She has spent 18 years traversing   touch with America through its back
 to keep patients engaged in care   trailer. It’s no vacation, days filled   health care.  leaving “a beautiful home in Cape
 over long periods of illness. He is the   with the same
 director and founder of the REACH   personal responsibility.”  cavalcade of
 Initiative serving Baltimore City   virtual meetings   “get the evidence in the right hands and
 residents living with and at risk for   and sensitive
 HIV and associated co-infections. He   discussions
 is a fellow in the American Academy   he’s not the type to back down. “We   —  as her normal   make sure people are sharing the information.”
 of Nursing, most recently serving   all really want to get back to normal   schedule, with
 as chair of the Emerging Infectious   as quickly as we can, and to be able   For Clinical Nurse Specialist   the added stress
 Diseases Expert Panel. As a seasoned   to do that, we have to stand up and   Michelle Patch, PhD, MSN, RN, a   of connecting
 infection-prevention expert, he   participate—all of us, as many as   transition to full-time assistant   with people in time zones across the   Along the way, she’s helped ramp up   Town,” a favorite sushi joint, beloved
 was part of a Johns Hopkins team   we can and as quickly as we can—in   professor at JHSON would have to be   world. From the camper, Stender uses   efforts to combat HIV, tuberculosis,   colleagues, and the convenience of a
 evaluating the SARS response in   the various vaccine trials,” he told   temporarily set aside as she jumped   her cellphone to create a portable   and now coronavirus. Her job is   time zone that more closely matched
 30  to join the core of Johns Hopkins   WiFi hotspot, logs on to her computer,   to observe, analyze available data,   that of nations she frequently visits or   31
 Medicine’s pandemic response as   and she is wherever her leadership is   have frank conversations without   Zooms into.
 an operations chief of its unified   needed most.  overstepping or condescending, and
 command center. Through spring                “get the evidence in the right hands   The dream is to eventually split the
 and summer, she worked on a team   A family nurse practitioner and   and make sure people are sharing   year between the U.S. and South Africa,
 to untangle a knot of logistical   specialist in infectious diseases,   the information.” Stender must keep   but scale back her other international
 puzzles, like how to allocate personal   Stender is no stranger to outbreaks—  the focus on facts, not local rumors,   travel even as she looks for ways to
 protective equipment evenly across   spending up to 50 percent of her time   and filter a stream of information for   make a greater impact on health
 the institution. “It was constant   each year on the road building health   what’s most relevant there and then.   systems wherever she may be. Of
 maneuvering and a lot of stress,”                                               course, COVID-19 will have a lot to say
 Patch says. “And that feeling of                       “We synthesize and       about the timing of her plans. She’ll
 personal responsibility.”                              translate evidence into   cross that bridge, ocean, or stretch of
                                                        practice on the ground,”   highway when she gets there.
 There was no second-guessing. The                      she explains. Protocols
 months that have followed have only                    must be developed and    Meanwhile, Stender thinks we will all
 reinforced in the researcher, educator,                tested and adapted locally.   take some positive social and work-
 and caregiver a belief in the huge role                Cultivating relationships   life lessons away from the pandemic.
 to be played by nurses with the proper                  and trust with a local   “People are starting to recognize how
 education and practice authority. And                  nurse or physician in each   precious time is,” she says. “We’re
 what she has accomplished—and                           country is a crucial task.   learning to not just talk for an hour
 learned—on COVID’s front lines will                    After all that, “It’s still up to   at meetings, or have a meeting just
 soon enough come with her back to                      governments to implement   to have a meeting, but respect each
 the classroom. ◼                                       them.” That can be among   other’s time—start on time and end   MAGAZINE.NURSING.JHU.EDU
                                                        the biggest challenges.   early if you’re finished.”
 This article includes reporting from                   (“Misinformation on
 Johns Hopkins University’s newsletter,                 COVID-19 is not unique to   Many among us would give the world
 the HUB.                                               the U.S.,” she says.)    to see that. ◼
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