Page 29 - Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine Fall 2020 - Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
P. 29


 The NP vs. the CNS

 26  By definition, nurse practitioners (NP) and clinical   MSN, MPH, FAAN, “from the incident command
 nurse specialists (CNS) are unique subsets of   center to the intensive care unit to the trenches
 advanced practice registered nurses. In general, a   of primary care or in leadership of large research
 CNS works more in administration, education, and   protocols.”
 research, and NPs focus more on direct patient care
 and clinical leadership. In practice, however, the two   Both CNSs and NPs take medical histories, conduct
 overlap routinely—both essential to nursing’s role at   physical exams, and analyze patient data to develop
 the front lines of the COVID-19 battle, for instance.   medical care plans. Both administer medications,
 In fact, in an assessment of NP vs. CNS, the “vs.”   monitor patient well-being, and modify patient care
 should probably be replaced by an ampersand.   plans as needed over time. Both can also assume
 Where one stops or rests, the other steps up.  leadership and educational roles in medical and
 academic settings. One difference is how often they
 The mission for both: ensuring better health   perform particular skills. For NPs, prescribing and
 outcomes for patients in primary and acute care   adjusting medications, conducting physical exams,
 settings. Both have the training to focus in direct   and ordering and interpreting lab tests are everyday
 care, administration, and leadership. COVID has   tasks. In contrast, a CNS would likely identify
 called for even more shared responsibility.  patient advocacy, evidence-based research, and
 collaborating with interdisciplinary teams as critical
 Michelle Patch, PhD, MSN, APRN-CNS, described   responsibilities of the job.
 her CNS role this way: “The focus was on leading
 COVID-related operational efforts, communicating   Either specialty offers nurses good pay and an
 rapid changes in clinical practice, advocating for   unmatched level of training and autonomy. Find
 staff needs, and informing organizational-level   a side-by-side comparison and learn where you fit
 planning and decision-making.”  best at ◼

 “The [NP] is an integral part of the COVID response
 team at Johns Hopkins,” explains Jason Farley, PhD,
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