Page 37 - Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine Fall 2020 - Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
P. 37

Spring  2020  |  Stephanie Zero

              COVID-19 has led to countless changes, and nurses and other staff
              members have had to quickly adapt in response to the pandemic.                                         NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING
              Stephanie Zero, a nurse on the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), did
              more than just adapt to these changes, she embraced them. Zero was
              nominated by a colleague for her dedication and exemplary leadership
              as the PICU transitioned to care for critically ill adults as well. She went
              above and beyond to educate her fellow PICU staff members and helped
              make sure the unit was prepped with the necessary resources. From the
              nomination letter: “I am so thankful that Stephanie stepped up for our
              unit and I think every single patient that we receive in this new unit will
              be safer and better cared for directly because of Stephanie Zero.”


              March 2020                      February 2020                  The DAISY Award

              Allison Green                  Stefanie Ness                   recognizes Johns Hopkins

              The DAISY Award highlighted the   Stefanie Ness’s DAISY was    Hospital nurses for
              compassion and dedication of   awarded virtually—not due to
              Allison Green, from the Medical   COVID-19 but rather to another   skilled, compassionate
              Progressive Care Unit, Nelson 5. In   reason to celebrate—Ness was
              just one instance, Green chose to   home on maternity leave. She   care that goes far beyond
              stay hours into the next shift to   was nominated for the DAISY
              make sure both a patient and family   Award by a mother who had felt   the call of duty
              were supported through the end-  completely overwhelmed by a
              of-life process. Green ensured this   scary, unexpected diagnosis for
              devastating situation could be met   her daughter as well as the vast
              with kindness and support through   amount of information, treatment
              the care she provided. From the   options, and medications. From
              nomination letter: “Allison …   the nomination letter: “Stefanie   DAISY AWARD
              provided this patient and family   touched our lives at the moment   QUESTIONS?
              with a dignified death for their   we needed it most, and helped us
              loved one.”                    more than she knows.” ◼            For questions about the DAISY Award
                                                                                or to nominate a nurse, contact
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