Page 17 - Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine Fall 2020 - Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
P. 17

NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING                                                                                     NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING

 Five additional faculty members of the
 Johns Hopkins School of Nursing have
 been inducted as fellows of the American
 Academy of Nursing, an honor celebrating
 their accomplishments and leadership in
 education, practice, and research.
 Five more faculty   “These faculty have demonstrated
 remarkable commitment to our profession
 members honored for   and to the continual pursuit of better   “These faculty have demonstrated remarkable commitment
 health and well-being for people around
 contributions    the world,” says Dean Patricia Davidson,
 PhD, MEd, RN, FAAN. The new FAANs:   to our profession and to the continual pursuit of better
 to nursing, education,
 Diana Baptiste, DNP, RN, CNE, is a
 14  and research  cardiovascular nurse, educator, and   health and well-being for people around the world.”         15
 leader whose work is grounded in using
 innovative approaches to improve
 cardiovascular outcomes for underserved
 populations. She is core faculty for   Kristen Brown, DNP, RN, CRNP, is the school’s   behavioral interventions can improve physical
 JHSON’s Center for Cardiovascular   advanced practice simulation coordinator. Brown   activity, sleep, and cognition in sedentary older
 and Chronic Care, in which she guides   is the developer of the first multi-institutional,   adults and whether such interventions can also
 dissemination of cardiovascular research   high-fidelity simulation intensive training   lessen musculoskeletal pain in these populations.
 for doctoral students, faculty, and   program specifically designed for pediatric nurse
 international collaborators.   practitioners and is one of only 52 people across   All were inducted virtually at the American
              the world recognized as a Certified Healthcare   Academy of Nursing’s annual policy conference
 Andy Benson, DNP, CRNA, is assistant   Simulation Educator-Advanced (CHSE-A).  in October. ◼
 program director of the Doctor of Nursing
 Practice nurse anesthesiology track, having   Victoria Hughes, DSN, MSN, RN, CENP, has a
 previously served as Chief CRNA for Johns   mental health clinical background working with
 Hopkins leading a team of more than 100   children and families. She served as a nurse   Alumnus and
 CRNAs across the Johns Hopkins Hospital   executive and chief executive in the U.S. Air Force,   Congresswoman Lauren
 and providing administrative oversight for   retiring after 27 years as a colonel. She has a   Underwood of Illinois was
 CRNAs across the Johns Hopkins Health   decade of course development experience and   also inducted as an FAAN.
 Care System.  has explored leadership development strategies
              among Air Force and nursing leaders in European                          See a new video on how
              island countries.                                                        nursing continues to spur
                                                                                       her political service at:     MAGAZINE.NURSING.JHU.EDU
 Left, Victoria Hughes and   Junxin Li, PhD, RN, promotes the health and               magazine.nursing.jhu.
 Junxin Li; top right Kristen   well-being of older adults by understanding how        edu/laurenu
 Brown, Diana Baptiste, and   physical activity and sleep affect cognitive function.
 Andy Benson  She is currently studying how personalized
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