Page 21 - Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine Fall 2020 - Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
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NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING  Full Circle                   Patel, that meant time learning to act as   WE ARE ALL EAST BALTIMORE   NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING

              DNP student Khushbu Patel recognizes
                                                                 pushes you out of your comfort zone.” For
              a good thing when she’s got it
                                                                 a hospitalist, keying on “How can we get
                                                                the patient home quickly and safely?” vs.
                                                                 focusing on a specific organ, illness, or type
              BY STEVE ST. ANGELO
                                                                care advocate. And right now, she’s in the
                            t wasn’t the greatest way to fall in love
                                                                 neuro intensive care unit, because Slater
                          I with health care. Back then, Khushbu
                                                                                                                     NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING
                                                                 says so. It’s not easy to transition back and
                          Patel, now a student in the Doctor of   of nursing—the ultimate patient and health
                          Nursing Practice Adult-Gerontology Acute   forth, but Patel has embraced the challenge
                          Care Track, was just a teen with a very sick   and learned a lot about her own flexibility
                          grandfather at Inova Fairfax, a hospital   as well.
                          in Northern Virginia. A heart bypass and
                          resulting complications kept him and his   “I just try to trust the process and give each
                          adoring granddaughter at the hospital   rotation a chance, and I’ve been surprised
                          for an extended stay. Grandfather would   at every step,” she explains. “You’re so
                          eventually be discharged and depart
                          as good as new. Granddaughter would
                          witnessed and the friendship of a nurse she  “I just try to trust the
                          be changed forever—by the care she

                          bonded with during that time. In fact, she   process … and I’ve been
                          would never really leave.
                          “The hospital is sort of a weird second home  surprised at every step.”
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                          of mine,” says Patel (daughter of and sister
                          to physicians). She began volunteering at
                          age 13, attended the University of Virginia,   well-rounded when you come out of this
                          developed a crush on the idea of becoming   program. You learn to handle so many
                          a flight nurse (“the rock star thing” … it   scenarios.”
                          never panned out), attended Marymount
                          University in Alexandria, VA, and then went   And back at Inova Fairfax, though she
                          to work as an RN … right back where she   doesn’t fly off to the rescue in medical
                          started, at Inova Fairfax.            choppers, Patel has become something of
                                                                 a rock star anyway. She’s noticed that, as
                          “My grandfather was so proud when he   she moves toward a doctorate, colleagues
                          heard I got a job there,” Patel says.   and supervisors look at her in a new light. “I
                                                                 still don’t feel any different,” Patel says. But
                          And the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing   as she works to complete her DNP project—
                          saw to it that she wouldn’t have to leave   within her own hospital unit—co-workers
                          to earn her DNP. Patel credits Assistant   notice her growth.
                          Professor Tammy Slater for leadership,
               Read more   flexibility, and creativity in finding clinical   “My supervisor will ask, ‘What’s your DNP
                  profiles   sites in Washington, DC and Virginia, which   perspective on that?’ ”
              from the We
               Are All East   allowed Patel to maintain her residence
                Baltimore   in Fairfax Station, VA and her standing at   Patel’s perspective: That’s pretty cool. ◼  MAGAZINE.NURSING.JHU.EDU
                 series at   Inova Fairfax.
              edu/meetus  “She looks at you and what your background
 PHOTO BY CHRIS HARTLOVE  is,” Patel says of Slater, “and then she
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