Page 13 - Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine Fall 2020 - Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
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NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING  Brilliant Nurse   Assistant Professor Teresa Brockie,   American and Indigenous Peoples   NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING
 evidenced through her multimillion-
 PhD, MSN, RN, FAAN, has received
 dollar research grants and her efforts
 to establish a global network of Native
 the Brilliant Nurse Investigator Award
 from the Council for the Advancement
 of Nursing Science. It recognizes
 the contributions of scientists early
 Eun-Ok Im, senior associate dean of
 in their research careers who show
 Assistant Professor Teresa
 research and innovation at Emory
 extraordinary potential to develop
 University’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff
 sustained programs of research certain
 Brockie singled out for
 to have significant impact on the
 School of Nursing, received the
 science and practice of nursing.
 Outstanding Nurse Scientist Award.
 extraordinary potential
 Brockie is a member of White Clay   “The COVID-19 pandemic has
 (A'aninin) Nation from Fort Belknap,   highlighted the importance of research
 MT and an associate scientist at the   and evidence, and we are especially
 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Center for   pleased to showcase the work of these
 American Indian Health. Her work   individuals who exemplify the scientific
 focuses on achieving health equity   excellence of the profession,” Nancy
 through community-based prevention   S. Redeker, National Advisory Council
 and intervention of suicide, trauma,   Chair, said of the awards.  JHSON faculty members Diana Baptiste, Nada Lukkahatai, Rebecca Wright, and Janiece Taylor
 and adverse childhood experiences
 among Native American youth. In   The Council for the Advancement of
 addressing the cumulative historical   Nursing Science is a signature initiative
 trauma of indigenous peoples,   of the American Academy of Nursing
 Brockie’s novel work is transforming   that promotes better health through   HEED TIMES THREE
 the research initiatives on this topic, as   nursing science. ◼
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              JHSON awarded once again for efforts              members who focus on using teaching and learning methods
                                                                as a pathway to ensuring DEI. Within the faculty population,
              on diversity and inclusion                        29 percent are from racial or ethnic minorities and 13 percent
                                                                are men. Among the students, 36 percent are from racial and
                                                                ethnic minorities, and 12 percent are men.
              For a third consecutive year, the Johns Hopkins School of
              Nursing has earned the Health Professions Higher Education   “Our profession is a leader in bringing the importance of
              Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award from INSIGHT Into   DEI to the light, particularly within health care,” says Gloria
              Diversity magazine for outstanding commitment to diversity   Ramsey, JD, RN, FNAP, FAAN, associate dean for diversity,
              and inclusion.                                    equity, and inclusion. “We hope that the experiences we
                                                                provide at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing prepare our
             “Diversity and inclusion are about everyday actions, welcoming   students to be leaders for change. Amazing things happen
              differences, and being intentional in the way we work with   when we, as a growing group of nurse leaders, speak up and
              and support our communities locally and globally,” says Dean   work together as we serve our diverse communities.”
              Patricia Davidson, PhD, MEd, RN, FAAN. “It is our mission
              to promote and integrate diversity into our curriculum,   To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Americans with
              community, and scholarship, and we are proud to be   Disabilities Act (ADA), the school hosted community
              recognized for this among our peers.”             members from across Johns Hopkins, the government, and
                                                                the nation to recognize the history of how Americans living   MAGAZINE.NURSING.JHU.EDU
              Throughout the year, the school launched or continued many   with a disability were treated, barriers that have been removed
              initiatives that strategically and intentionally advance diversity,   as of 2020, and suggestions for how actions, conversations,
              equity, and inclusion (DEI). One notable initiative includes   and policies can further promote inclusivity and more equal
              working groups of faculty, students, staff, and community   opportunities. ◼
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