Page 10 - The Center for Global Initiatives at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
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CGI typically hosts an average of 15 International • University of Athens Nursing Faculty; training in
Visitors per year for stays that range in length from 6 – advancing simulation techniques and pediatric
12 months. nursing in Greece
CGI also hosted several short-term visitors from Nurse • Brazilian Federal Council of Nursing; seeking
and Health Policy leaders, researchers, and faculty technical expertise in initiative to develop advanced
focused on advancing nursing practice, education, practice nursing in Brazil
policy and technology in their respective home-
countries. • Executive Director of Indigenous Strategy,
University of Wollongong, focused on educating
International Visitors who studied at JHSON this year JHSON faculty, staff, and students on indigenous
were from Brazil, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Cambodia, inclusion in nursing curriculum and collaborations
India, Greece, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Austria,
Australia, South Korea, and England. • Deputy Surgeon of Marine Corps Reserves,
Short term Visits included: exploring partnership to collaborate on disaster and
humanitarian management and simulation/ training
• Faculty and research leaders from Jhpiego, the CDC, for students and faculty
Brazil, Chile, Argentina; exploring collaboration in
infection prevention and control innovation and • 57 students and faculty from South Korea; guidance
initiatives from JHSON faculty regarding opportunities in
nursing and research