Page 12 - The Center for Global Initiatives at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
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CGI continues to emphasize a focus on the                  •  CGI Director led team of 16 JHSON faculty in the
        importance of health policy and advocacy, both               development of a paper recently published in a
        domestically and internationally. The CGI team:              Special Issue of the Journal of Nurse Scholarship on
                                                                     Health Policy Implications: Lessons Learned From
        •  Consults on PAHO’s Adolescent Health Project, in          Covid-19, COVID-19 entitled: Implications for
          order to support improvement of the role of                Nursing and Health Care in the United States
          nurses in promoting the health of socioeconomically
          vulnerable adolescent girls in Central and South         •  Provides expertise and mentorship for new JHSON
          America. JHU delivered training session to Nurses in       Health Policy Honors program
          PAHO region: The Role of the Nurse: Gender
          Identity and Sexual Orientation, and meets
          regularly with PAHO to address issues identified as
          gaps in nurse education in these countries

        •  Partners with WHO to identify opportunities and
          barriers for implementation of the WHO Global
          Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery 2021-
          25 (SDNM) in the Americas region. The CGI provides
          ongoing technical support to LMICs in the Americas
          in their implementation of the SDNMs

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