Page 6 - The Center for Global Initiatives at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
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The JHSON is designated as a World Health                  JHSON WHOCC completed its tenure as Secretariat
        Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for                of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres
        Nursing Knowledge, Information Management &                for Nursing and Midwifery. The Network strives to
        Sharing. WHO Collaborating Centres are institutions        enhance the collaborative activities of the 44 Nursing
        that are part of an international collaborative network    and Midwifery Collaborating Centres in support of the
        carrying out activities in support of the WHO agenda       WHO’s efforts toward the maximization of the
        at all levels.                                             contribution of nursing and midwifery. This year, the
                                                                   JHSON WHOCC:
        The JHSON WHO Collaborating Centre hosts the fully
        virtually-based Global Alliance for Nursing and            •  Published 2 Links magazines that highlight the
        Midwifery (GANM) that has the goal of providing              excellent and innovative work of the WHOCCs
        nurses and midwives with equitable access to
        knowledge, discussions, and a global voice. The GANM       •  Co-hosted the WHOCC Biannual Conference and
        supports a variety of communities of practice that           Network meeting “Nursing and Midwifery
        address health and development topics aimed at               Workforce: A Catalyst for Achievement of Universal
        building the capacity of nurses and midwives to              health Coverage” in partnership with the University
        improve the health of communities across the lifes-          of Botswana
        pan.  In addition, it publishes and distributes research
        briefs, oral and written blogs, webinars and activities    •  Collaborated with WHO-HQ to develop an
        to support the achievement of the WHO Strategic              appropriate assessment tool utilizing a value-based
        Directions of Nursing and Midwifery 2021-25.                 framework to evaluate the WHO Nursing and
                                                                     Midwifery Community of Practice, as requested by

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