Page 52 - Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine Fall 2020 - Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
P. 52

NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING                                            for future ceremonies. This is a very  ’96                                                                   nerves or neurological sites. Abbott develops
                                                                                  Honor Guard to Begin
                                                                                                                                                                                               and manufactures implantable spinal cord
                                                                                                                                                                                               stimulators that treat chronic pain conditions,
                                                                                                                                                                                               providing a non-addictive alternative for
                                                                                  Many alumni have expressed interest
                                                                                                                                                                                               patients with no other solution. Abbott also
                                                                                  in starting a Nursing Honor Guard
                                                                                  to honor deceased alumni. I have
                                                                                                                                                                                               develops deep-brain stimulation devices that
                                                                                  obtained a vintage Church Home
                                                                                                                                                                                               treat the symptoms of movement disorders like
                                                                                  cape and genuine white clinic shoes
                                                                                                                                                                                               Parkinson’s disease.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Spinal cord stimulator implants are unique in the
                                                                                  special tradition that many nursing
                                                                                  schools around the country have been
                                                                                                                                                                                               the patient is awake to ensure the device is in the
                                                                                  doing for years.
                                                                                                                                                                                               right spot for optimal pain relief. “So I actually
                                                                                                                                                                                               interacted with patients during the procedure,”
                                                                                  I urge everyone to read up on this and                BOETTIGER                                              sense that the surgeon implants the device while
                                                                                  appreciate how very special this will be                          “Many people in the medical device industry   Boettiger explains. “My nursing background and
                                                                                  for deceased alumni when requested.                                have always worked in a business or corporate   confidence communicating with patients at an
                                                                                                                                                     setting,” says Keith Boettiger, president of   anxious time helped the implant team achieve
                                                                                                                                                     Abbott Neuromodulation, a division of Abbott   the best outcomes.”
                                                                                  Always Ready to Help!                                              worth over $800 million dedicated to developing   And he expects future Johns Hopkins Nursing
                                                                                                                                                     medical devices for people living with chronic
                                                                                                                                                                                               alumni to have similar opportunities.
                                                                                                                                                     pain and movement disorders.
                         CHURCH NOTES                                             During the COVID-19 Pandemic,                        “My ability to interact with and encourage              “There’s a big opportunity right now for
                                                                                  several alumnae have been busy
                         DEB CORTEGGIANO KENNEDY, ’73                             stitching away to help others. Barbara                                                                       advanced practice nurses in specialty practice
                                                                                  Zelenka Spink, ’69 has made over                      many kinds of people to perform at their               because surgeons are increasing their focus on
                                                                                  300 masks for nurses in New York,                                                                            procedures. Diagnostic and follow-up activities
      50                                                                          Kennedy Krieger, and Masonic Homes.                   best comes from being a nurse.”                        are becoming the domain of the nurse.” And      51
                         Virtual Reunion Weekend                                  Debbie Cappoloni Edmunds, ’70 was                                                                            nurses are ready. “Nurses are prepared for just

                                                                                  busy making masks (and shields                                    “My ability to interact with and encourage many   about anything. As a nurse on the floor, as a
                         The coronavirus did put a damper on Reunion Weekend 2020, but   with her 3-D printer), and Mary Ann                         kinds of people to perform at their best comes   nurse manager, or as an advanced practice
                         I ask fellow alumni to hold that thought until 2021 when we will   DeSisco Frey, ’67 donated her time                       from being a nurse,” Boettiger explains. “It   clinician … you learn leadership.” ◼
                         celebrate and do justice to the Fifty Year Honorees from 1970 and   and talent to make gowns and masks                      doesn’t matter if you’re leading a team as a
                         1971. The Distinguished Alumni Award will also be presented at the   for local Health Care Heroes! Susan                    nurse manager or as an executive—nursing
                         2021 celebration. Nominations are still being accepted.  Riddleberger, ’73 volunteered with                                 experience is invaluable.”
                                                                                  local AORN members to make masks
                         Look to the Church Home Facebook Page for ongoing updates.  to support both nurses and local                                Boettiger practiced as a nurse at the bedside
                                                                                  Homeless Shelters. Thank you to all of                             for three years, then brought his clinical and
                                                                                  these talented and generous alumnae                                professional experience to a position selling
                         A Presence in the New                                    for their donation of time and caring                              medical devices. “My clinical background
                                                                                                                                                     gave me credibility, helping me become a very
                                                                                  during this devastation. ◼
                         Johns Hopkins School of Nursing                                                                                             successful medical device sales representative.”
                                                                                                                                                     Today, he’s far from the ICU where he started                                    WHAT IS A HOPKINS NURSE?
                         The new wing of the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing will not                                                                his career in nursing—or serving in the Peace
                         open soon enough. It promises to be spectacular and truly state of                                                          Corps in Senegal, where he decided to join the
                         the art. Befitting indeed for the No. 1 school in the country! In the                                                       profession. But the satisfaction that comes from
                         new school Garden, a bench has been purchased by Patricia Kniffin   CHURCH NOTES                                            truly making a difference remains his driving
                         Roberts, ’65 in honor of Church Home Alumni.                                                                                force. “The amazing thing about being a nurse
                                                                                    IN MEMORIAM                                            Read more  is that you have so many options to grow your                                            MAGAZINE.NURSING.JHU.EDU
                         In the new building, a quilt will hang adorned with squares of   Judith Dorothy Lutz ’60                          about Keith   career while still helping people,” Boettiger says.
                         memories, symbols, and more. Church Home Alumni purchased   Agnes Thompson Roden ’49                              Boettiger at
                         two 10-inch squares for the quilt. The squares will proudly display                                              nursing.jhu.  “Neuromodulation” is the application of
                         the Church Home Pin and the Ensign on the Hill Dome.                                                              edu/keithb  electricity or pharmaceutical agents to afflicted
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