Page 48 - Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine Fall 2020 - Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
P. 48

NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING                 University (PhD). She enjoys   Mary Frances (Fran) Keen returned                 Zita Kwartek started her post-  health nursing, took a break to   MSN, as well as a certificate in     NEWS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS NURSING
                                                                                                                                                                                                   web design. She spent 28 years
                                                                                     to her hometown of Lancaster,
                                                                                                                                                                      have her family, and spent the
                                                                                                                                        Hopkins career with the Air Force,
                                                       reading, music, and making
                                                                                                                                                                      next 28 years doing school nursing
                                                                                                                                        spending two years in Texas and
                                                                                     PA in 1999 to accept a job at
                                                                                                                                                                                                   combined in the Air Force and
                                                       greeting cards for charities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Navy (active duty and reserve)
                                                                                                                                                                      (which she loved). Pat is currently
                                                                                                                                        Japan. Subsequently, she received
                                                                                     Villanova University, following
                                                                                                                                        a BS in health care administration,
                                                                                     years in Miami, FL. After deciding
                                                       Jane Riegel Haberkorn and her
                                                                                                                                                                                                   retiring from the Navy as a captain.
                                                                                                                                                                      working part time as a nurse for
                                                                                                                                                                                                   In civilian life, she transitioned
                                                                                     to teach nursing, she continued
                                                                                                                                                                      Sesame Place, a children’s theme
                                                                                                                                        a BS in computer science, and an
                                                       husband, Tom, live near Chicago
                                                                                     her education at University of
                                                       in Burr Ridge, IL. They have four
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to hospital administration at the
                                                                                                                                                                      park in Langhorne, PA, where she
                                                                                                                                        MBA. She also has a diploma as
                                                                                                                                                                      lives. She cannot imagine ever
                                                       children and 10 grandchildren.
                                                                                     Maryland and Catholic University.
                                                                                                                                        an FNP and physician’s assistant.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   University of Utah Health Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Center. She currently enjoys fiber
                                                                                                                                                                      totally retiring.
                                                                                     Fran loved teaching med-surg
                                                                                                                                        Zita has had multiple and varied
                                                       Jane worked in a variety of nursing
                                                       positions and areas (psych, ICU,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   animal companions.
                                                       public health, and OB). She
                                                                                     experiences for students. Pre-
                                                                                                                                        and now is working as a substitute
                                                                                     pandemic, she enjoyed traveling
                                                                                                                                                                      husband, Richard, in Edmonds,
                                                       retired from her position as an OB
                                                                                                                                        teacher in the public school
                                                                                     and doing global builds with
                                                                                                                                        system. She resides in Rapid City,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Laurie Payne Oehler worked
                                                                                                                                                                      WA. They have four children,
                                                       health educator in 2019; she was   and developing international                  positions in nursing over the years,   Anne Dieterle McGee lives with her   art and caring for her farm and
                         lives in Colorado. She shares her   certified as a lactation consultant   Habitat for Humanity. She shares     SD with her feline and canine   six grandchildren, and a slew   in a variety of locations
                         house with two rescue dogs and   and a Lamaze educator. Since   her space with a house rabbit; her             companions. She is the owner and   of grand dogs, with most living   after graduation, including
                         loves doing anything with her   she cannot currently travel, she   brothers and nephews live nearby.           manager of an organic farm.   on the West Coast. After school,   Pennsylvania, Maryland, and
                         granddaughters.               has been baking bread, taking                                                                                  Anne worked in a number of   Michigan. She feels we left
                                                       French lessons, visiting the Art   Pat Magill Krupa lives in Dunedin,            Terry Lavell is living in Auburn, CA.   hospitals, including JHH and NIH.   Hopkins with confidence that we
                         Geraldine Hirsch Fitzgerald lives   Institute, and spending time with   FL with her husband, Gary,             She spent 40 years doing patient   In 1975, they settled in Seattle;   could do nursing and do it well.
                         in Bethany Beach, DE but also   her children.               having just celebrated their 50th                  care, 30 of them in emergency   she became very involved with   She now resides in Willis, VA with
                         enjoys time in Washington, DC                               wedding anniversary. Her three                     departments. During her final   volunteer and charity work, along
                         and Florida. Geri lost her husband   Christine Fowler James concluded   children and five grandchildren        eight years in nursing, she was   with raising her family. Today, she
                         Jim in 2018 to cancer; she has two   her nursing career as an outpatient   also call Florida home. After       charge nurse at Kaiser Urgent   and her husband enjoy traveling
                         children and two grandchildren   director at Penn State Hershey   school, Pat became an ANP                    Care in Hollywood, CA. She also   and boating; and Anne has
                          who “keep me from aging too   Medical Center in Hershey, PA,   with the JHH program headed                    served in the Army Reserves for   “rediscovered” gardening
                         fast.” She earned a BSN from   not far from where she lives in   by Martha Hill. With a BS in                  eight years and attained the rank   and biking.
      46                 the University of Pennsylvania   Mechanicsburg with her husband,   health care administration, she             of captain. Prior to COVID-19, she                                                                     47
                         and an MSN/PNP from Catholic   Geoff. Previously, she worked   became involved with clinical                   was doing a lot of traveling and   Judith Day McLeod, after earning
                         University. In 2001, she became   in inpatient surgical areas in   information systems. She ended              has been to 47 states and Europe.   a BSN, PNP certification, and
                         a board-certified lactation   several different hospitals and   her career at Microsoft as an                  She volunteers with the American   MSN, concluded her education
                         consultant. Her consulting led   locations. She has five children   account executive for the federal          Cancer Society and a thrift store;   with a DNP from Johns Hopkins
                         her to international work as a   and nine grandchildren. She   government including NIH,                       she loves horseback riding in her   in 2012 while Martha Hill was
                         UN advocate for maternal-infant   enjoys volunteering with the local   FDA, DOD, and the VA. She has           spare time.                   dean. She is currently working as
                         health; she participated in the   PBS radio and television station   “replaced myself in the nursing                                         a nursing education consultant   her two dogs, a collie and a golden
                         formation of the international   and serves on the boards of two   workforce by growing one of my              Martha (Martie) Vanaman       for the California Board of   retriever, and enjoys local music
                         Breast Feeding Collective, which   local women’s recovery houses.   own.” Her youngest daughter is             Livingston earned an MPH from   Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric   and keeping busy with quilting
                         includes UNICEF, WHO, the     Grandchildren fill in the time too!    completing her MSN!                       the University of Pittsburgh and   Technicians after working as a   and pets. She has one son, Paul.
                         Gates Foundation, and others.                                                                                  worked in public health for 44   staff nurse in L&D, as a PNP, and
                         She enjoys pickle ball and tai                                                                                 years, retiring in August 2020.   as an administrator of several   Sally Bowers Orr worked in critical
                         chi, playing the Irish drum,                                                                                   Martie retired from the Air Force   nursing programs. She and her   care units, in palliative care, and
                         volunteering for Catholic charities,                                                                           Reserves in 2005 as a lieutenant   husband, John, live in Mission   as a research assistant in the
                         traveling, and grandchildren.                                                                                  colonel. She worked other jobs,   Viejo, CA. They have two children   cardiovascular program at the
                                                                                                                                        which she says are too numerous   and two grandchildren.   University of Toronto. Sally moved
                         Linda Cade Haber and her husband,                                                                              to list, but one was as a corrections                      to Toronto after several years at
                         Larry, are retired, living in Fort                                                                             nurse. Now she is adjusting to   Robyn (Roberta) Hague Moriarity-  Hopkins. Her family includes
                         Wayne, IN. After Johns Hopkins,                                                                                retirement in a big farmhouse in   Kruppa and her husband have   her husband, Jim, three children,
                         Linda worked primarily in                                                                                      Beloit, OH. She has three children   retired to rural Idaho, where they   three grandchildren, and the
                         psychiatric/mental health nursing,                                                                             and three grandchildren, all living   have a small farm and care for   family dog.  She enjoys reading,
                         ending her career within the VA                                                                                in Los Angeles.               a menagerie of animals. Robyn   bridge, skiing, tennis, golf, travel,    MAGAZINE.NURSING.JHU.EDU
                         system as a clinical specialist.                                                                                                             has two adult children and four   and volunteering.
                         She continued her education at                                                                                 Patricia Coffin Marseglia spent   grandchildren. She continued
                         Duke (BSN), University of North                                                                                a few years immediately after   her education at the University of   Kittrin Lappin Prasil and her
                         Carolina (MSN), and Indiana                                                                                    graduating from JHH in public   Utah, receiving both a BSN and   husband, Ed, have been married
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