Page 5 - Degree Completion Ceremony - Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
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                     Dr. Jason Farley is a professor of nursing, a nurse epidemiologist, and a nurse
                     practitioner in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Johns Hopkins Schools of
                     Nursing and Medicine. He is an educator, a researcher, an innovator, a builder of
                     bridges, and a sworn enemy of the stigmas and social disparities that keep people
                     from getting the care they need.

                     Most recently, Dr. Farley has helped lead the battle against COVID-19 locally and
                     has been a voice nationally for an evidence- and common sense-based response to
                     the pandemic. He is a co-author of the report “Developing a National Strategy for
                     SARS-CoV-2 Serosurveys in the United States” by the Johns Hopkins Center for
                     Health Security. Dr. Farley leads “Diagnosing, Treating and Preventing COVID-19,”
                     part of an online course from a Johns Hopkins Medicine series on “Understanding
                     the COVID-19 Pandemic.” He has safeguarded the health care workforce through
                     training sessions on proper PPE use and has worked on developing a less-invasive
                     test for COVID-19 using a subject’s saliva.

                     Long an international expert on co-infection of HIV and tuberculosis, he has forged
                     health policy and developed mobile apps that help individuals and communities
                     avoid exposure, reach care, stay on long-term treatment plans, and survive from
                     South Africa to the streets of Baltimore. He has helped lead the battle against
                     COVID-19 locally and has been a voice nationally for a science- and common
                     sense-based response to the pandemic.

                     Dr. Farley is director and founder of the REACH Initiative, serving Baltimore City
                     residents living with and at risk for HIV and associated co-infections. He is a fellow
                     in the American Academy of Nursing, most recently serving as chair of the
                     Emerging Infectious Diseases Expert Panel. He is past president of the Association
                     of Nurses in AIDS Care and maintains a clinical practice as a nurse practitioner in
                     the John G. Bartlett Specialty Clinic for Infectious Disease.

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